VONNE is the regional support body for the North East Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) Sector. We represent over 1,400 member charities, voluntary organisations, community groups, networks and social enterprises from across the region, with further reach through our many networks . VONNE depends on the support of our members to inform and underpin our work strengthening the North East VCSE sector and supporting the people and communities of the North East. We support charities to be well informed on the policy, practice and strategy developments which affect them and we work strategically to ensure their voice is heard. We facilitate partnerships and build opportunities for collaboration between the sector and external stakeholders. We also provide funding information and facilitate programmes to build skills and capacity and develop leadership, governance and innovation in the sector. Together our community of over 1,400 members enable us to create a collective voice and represent our membership regionally and nationally. We’re thrilled to be supporting the North East Charity Awards again this year, and to be sponsoring the Uniquely North East Award, which celebrates our fantastic region and the wonderful and unique charities who dedicate their services to our local communities.